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COVID-19 boosters for moms-to-be

Illustration of a pregnant woman with her hands on her belly.

If you're pregnant, you want to make the best choices for your health and the health of your baby. That's why it's important to protect yourself—and your little one—from COVID-19. And if you're already vaccinated, it might be time to give that protection an extra boost.

COVID-19 and your pregnancy

COVID-19 is linked to premature birth, stillbirth and other complications. And pregnant women are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19. That could mean hospitalization, the need for a ventilator or even death.

If you haven't had a booster shot, it's time to consider getting one. Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits, so you can make the choice that’s best for you and your baby.

The benefits of a booster shot

If you're already vaccinated, you might wonder why a booster shot is important. But a booster dose of the vaccine can make a big difference to you and your pregnancy. Here are three reasons why, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

1. Booster shots offer powerful protection. Your original COVID-19 vaccine is still working, but its protection may weaken over time. And it may not work as well against newer variants of the coronavirus. The updated vaccine can give your immune system a boost. And it’s designed to offer protection against the variants circulating now.

2. Booster shots are safe. CDC and other agencies have been monitoring the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women. No safety concerns have been found. And there was no increased risk of miscarriage with mRNA vaccines given before 20 weeks. And none of the COVID-19 vaccines contain live virus. They can't give you or your baby COVID-19.

3. A booster shot can protect your newborn. COVID-19 vaccines aren't authorized for children under 6 months. Your little one will have to wait to be vaccinated. But getting your vaccine or booster during pregnancy can help protect your baby from being hospitalized with COVID-19 before they're old enough to get their own, reports CDC.

Choose your shot

You can mix or match vaccines for your booster shot. Not sure which shot is right for you? Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines in our Coronavirus topic center, and talk it over with your doctor. They can help you make the right choice for you and your baby.

Reviewed 1/24/2025

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