Drinking alcohol? Your organs will notice
Alcohol can have a big impact on your body's vital organs. And the effects can persist, even when sobriety returns. Explore this infographic to see all of the organs that can be altered by alcohol.
Alcohol’s impact on your body
1. Brain. Alcohol can impact the brain’s communication pathways, which can alter mood, behavior and coordination.
2. Heart. Heavy drinking can cause heart problems such as cardiomyapathy (stretching of heart muscle), arrhythmia, stroke and high blood pressure.
3. Liver. Heavy drinking can lead to liver problems, such as alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and fatty liver.
4. Pancreas. Alcohol prompts the pancreas to produce toxic substances. Those substances can cause swelling and inflammation of pancreatic blood vessels. That can prevent proper digestion.
Answering a few questions can help you understand whether you have a drinking problem. Start with our health assessment, and talk with your doctor about programs that can help you quit.
Reviewed 12/18/2023
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "Alcohol's Effects on the Body."