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Bariatric surgery

White Plains Hospital's bariatric surgical center is accredited as a Comprehensive Center under the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), a joint program of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).

American College of Surgeons American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery MBDAQIP Accredited center quality programThe MBSAQIP standards ensure that bariatric surgical patients receive a multidisciplinary program, not just a surgical procedure, which improves patient outcomes and long-term success. The Hospital's accredited center offers preoperative and postoperative care designed specifically for severely obese patients.

Patients in our comprehensive bariatric surgery program find a team of professionals committed to supporting and helping them achieve their weight-loss and lifestyle change goals. In addition to our surgeons, the team includes a bariatric coordinator to help patients navigate through their pre- and post-surgical appointments, while also providing support and answering questions.

Our patients also work with a nutritionist, physical therapist and other specialists committed to their success. Patients benefit from developing meaningful relationships with others on the same journey in our monthly support groups, available to patients following surgery.

Patient success stories

Types of bariatric surgery

The bariatric surgeons at White Plains Hospital provide expert care in performing the two types of minimally invasive bariatric surgery:

Weight loss surgery brings health benefits

For people who are obese, losing at least some of their excess weight always brings health benefits—often dramatic ones. Though weight loss surgery is not right for everyone, it can make a life-altering difference for people who’ve struggled unsuccessfully to lose weight. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery can:

  • Improve or even cure diabetes
  • Reduce severity of asthma symptoms
  • Diminish sleep apnea
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Improve mobility
  • Reduce risk of certain types of cancer

Are you a candidate for bariatric surgery?

Weight loss surgery may be a good treatment option if you meet the following criteria:

  • Body mass index (BMI) greater than 40
  • BMI greater than 35, along with weight-related medical issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea or diabetes
  • Difficulty losing weight despite previous efforts
  • Good psychological health

Now, take the next step. To learn more about bariatric surgery at White Plains Hospital and whether you may be a candidate. We invite you to attend one of our free monthly informational seminars to get answers or schedule a private consultation with our weight loss surgeon. 

Bariatric surgery FAQs

What is comprehensive bariatric care?

Even though weight loss surgery has a dramatic effect on your ability to shed pounds, the truth is that on its own and without other supports, it is unlikely to succeed over the long run. That’s because obesity is a complex, multifaceted medical condition, and success at weight loss requires addressing all aspects that have contributed to your weight gain.

Here at White Plains Hospital, we have a bariatric coordinator whose responsibility it is to provide assistance and support through every step of your journey, including answering questions and helping to coordinate your pre- and post-operative appointments. Our medical team consists of your surgeon and other doctors and nurses who work together to ensure that you are safe and healthy throughout your treatment, including in the weeks, months and even years afterward. Our program also includes a nutritionist, psychologist, social workers and physical therapists who will help you get and stay healthy.

How do I know if weight loss surgery will solve my problems with obesity?

It’s impossible to know for sure how much weight you will lose and whether you will be able to keep it off, but we do everything we can to help our bariatric surgery patients to succeed. Starting with your first consultation—at one of our free, monthly seminars or an in-office appointment with our surgeon—we’ll focus on helping you make the best possible decision for you.

Research shows that patients who have gastric bypass surgery lose, on average, 62% of their excess body weight (if they adhere to the strict post-surgical diet and exercise program). With gastric banding, studies show that patients lose anywhere from 28% to 65% of their excess body weight after two years. Patients who’ve had sleeve gastrectomy lose an average of 60% after 18 months.

What factors determine whether I am a candidate for bariatric surgery?

The very first criteria patients must meet to be considered for bariatric surgery is that you must be able to demonstrate that you have made an effort to lose weight in the past. To be a candidate, you must have a BMI greater than 40 or greater than 35 along with other weight-related medical problems, such as heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea or diabetes. Candidates must be in generally good physical health (to ensure that you are strong enough to withstand the surgery and recover afterward) and good mental health.

Why must I have failed to lose weight in the past in order to be able to have weight loss surgery now?

Bariatric surgery is not a simple solution. In order to succeed at achieving your health and weight loss goals, you’ll need to work hard. Having made prior attempts to lose weight, even unsuccessfully, demonstrates that you already know and understand that weight loss requires commitment, motivation and discipline.

What services does the bariatric coordinator provide?

Here at White Plains Hospital, you can rely on our bariatric coordinator for help with your pre-operative insurance arrangements (including pre-qualification, etc.) as well as to help you schedule your pre-operative meetings with the psychologist and nutritionist. The bariatric coordinator will also follow up with you after your surgery, coordinate your post-operative rehabilitation appointments and schedule your attendance at support groups. Plus our bariatric coordinator is always available to answer questions and provide further information if needed.

Why do I need to work with a nutritionist?

At your pre-operative meetings, our nutritionist will work with you to assess your diet and identify certain eating patterns that have contributed to your obesity. He/she will examine and discuss your weight loss history and prepare you for success after your procedure. Also, depending on which bariatric procedure you have, you may have food restrictions or requirements. Your nutritionist will provide information on what you can and cannot eat, provide sample menus and give you guidance on how to get and stay healthy in the months and years following your procedure.

Why do I need to work with a psychologist?

Obesity is what’s called a multifactorial disease, which means there are many causes, including genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and often underlying emotional and/or mental health issues. In your sessions with the psychologist, you’ll discuss what might have precipitated your weight gain and discuss the emotional factors that might have contributed to the problem. You’ll also talk about new, healthy ways you can cope going forward.

How do I know which bariatric procedure is right for me?

Weight loss surgery is not one-size-fits-all. After attending an educational program and an individual consultation, patients and surgeons discuss the various options and choose the one that seems like the best fit for you.

What happens in the monthly support groups?

Our monthly support groups are designed to help people who have had weight loss surgery to succeed. All meetings are facilitated by our bariatric coordinator and nutritionist. In addition to encouraging participation and peer support among the group members, we invite guests (including psychologists, physical therapists, plastic surgeons, life coaches and others with good advice to share) to make educational presentations. At the support group, you’ll meet patients who have successfully lost weight having the same procedure as yours, who can share suggestions, solutions and provide support throughout your journey